Selasa, 08 Januari 2013

Holiday Exhibition

we are happy to announce, the first even of the year : Holiday, a group exhibition. as it seen on it's page, the tag line informed us that this exhibition is not for any serious reasons. 

this exhibition firstly held on this rainy month of January to move the artist senses about holiday after being bored for them reality lives of the city. this issue is somehow is not only for their senses but also to many of Jakarta's society. 

hopefully this exhibition will bring another connections between the artists and the viewers by gathering into one, talking about this and that, having fun and being happy. just like when they experienced their holiday moment. 

Senin, 07 Januari 2013

animal instinct exhibition

don't forget to stop by to this very impressive exhibition. you won't turn to be an animal only by attending it and no one will bite your foot once you see the artwork.

guess, we don't need no talent to put our words for em review because once again, it really is impressive in a very nice condition. the artists present their skills into a great visual state, knoting their minds and memories of instinct between animal and human with lines, scratch and colours.

just be ready to feel the awareness of your inner animal instinct. 

Sabtu, 24 November 2012

ini workshop mural bareng abang Bops

semalam suntuk mural di jalan Rawamangun Muka, tembok Golf Rawamangun. 
upah kerja digunakan untuk membeli susu anak dan nasi rames (terims yee abang Bo)

Jumat, 16 November 2012

Nashirun Exhibition

Setelah seharian beraktivitas..saya sempatkan beerkunjung ke salah satu galeri yang kebetulan sedang ada pameran dari salah satu seniman indonesia yang karya-karyanya tidak di ragukan lagi yaitu Nashirun. Hampir seribu lebih undangan pameran yang dikumpulkan olehnya lalu dilukis dan dipamerkan. That's AWESOME.

Kamis, 08 November 2012

finally after weeks in the mix full of absurdity of confusion, Kantor Pojok Cabang decided to move out from the old base. more info will be coming soon

Senin, 15 Oktober 2012

Dokumentasyong dari Stockholm

1 hour plus 14 hours plus 2 hours to Stockholm far away from home

Adam gemes dan geng

Maria Elena wanita berambut biru mirip T.O.P Bigbang sedang perform A Contemporary Ritual di belakangnya wanita ngablu dengan kacamata biru bernama Jessica yang jago ngomong bahasa China dari London 

diskusi lucu dengan pak Dubes RI untuk Swedia D M Juniarta Sastrawan dan mba Riani

foto bareng papa dan mama

bewok lucu lagi perform berjam jam baca buku sambil berdiri

ciye rambut spike datang ke acara launch sambil liatin karya foto foto lucu

Happening yang amat sangat happen

Mama Iin mama kita semua

Ivar Forss Volunteer kita tersayang

kata gadis itu cita-cita beliau hanya ingin jualan pulsa elektrik

Jehan selalu seksi dimana pun ia beraksi

ceritanya Closing Party

jalan-jalan bareng keluarga lucu KBRI Swedia

ini dia Eskiltuna, 40 menit dari LidingÓ§

liat pameran tante Yoko di Modernmuset

romantis alias ngirit 1 pan pizza untuk bertiga

performance artist Swedia yang menggemaskan

Mama Iin belajar nari India dari Expert : Veena from India, London Base

jalan-jalan bareng kakak kakak Indonesia di Swedia

bareng Jia, Rebecca dan Ivar Volunteer sejagat STOFF 2012

Stoff 4th and final day on Vimeo : click here